Hazard labels (GHS)

Výrobca: Brady GmbH

The "Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals" (GHS) by the United Nations is the basis for a worldwide unification of existing national systems. Film (labels on sheets):

  • for indoor and outdoor use on smooth surfaces
  • water, oil and alkali resistant, permanent adhesive
  • temperature resistance: -40 to +110°C, short term up to +140°C

Important information: GHS labels are without text. The text in the description is only for explanation of the labels and is not used officially.

Obj. číslo 9.104 926 9.104 932 9.104 915 9.104 925 9.104 921 9.104 914 9.104 917 9.104 910 9.104 930 9.104 927 9.104 913 9.104 947 9.104 934 9.104 949 9.104 952 9.104 922 9.104 954 9.104 939 9.104 945 9.104 936 9.104 923 9.104 951 9.104 940 9.104 941 9.104 931 9.104 919 9.104 918 9.104 928 9.104 953 9.104 942 9.104 943 9.104 911 9.104 929 9.104 924 9.104 950 9.104 937 9.104 920 9.104 938 9.104 916 9.104 935 9.104 944 9.104 933 9.104 946 9.104 912 9.104 948
Article Packing Unit 2 5 5 5 2 5 1 5 1 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 2 2 1 5 2 2 5 1 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 5 5 1 1 2 5 5 1 2 5 2
Dimensions mm 100 x 100 40 x 40 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100 70 x 70 40 x 40 100 x 100 100 x 100 40 x 40 50 x 50 40 x 40 70 x 70 70 x 70 40 x 40 40 x 40 70 x 70 70 x 70 100 x 100 100 x 100 50 x 50 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100 70 x 70 50 x 50 50 x 50 50 x 50 40 x 40 50 x 50 100 x 100 70 x 70 70 x 70 100 x 100 40 x 40 100 x 100 50 x 50 100 x 100 100 x 100 70 x 70 50 x 50 100 x 100 40 x 40 50 x 50
Label gas cylinder exclamation mark flame gas cylinder flame over circle exploding bomb flame exploding bomb exclamation mark gas cylinder exploding bomb corrosive exclamation mark corrosive skull and crossbones flame over circle skull and crossbones environment corrosive environment flame over circle skull and crossbones health hazard health hazard exclamation mark flame flame gas cylinder skull and crossbones health hazard health hazard exploding bomb gas cylinder flame over circle skull and crossbones environment flame over circle environment flame environment health hazard exclamation mark corrosive exploding bomb corrosive
Sales Packing Unit 250.00 20.00 4.00 4.00 250.00 6.00 20.00 4.00 4.00 20.00 250.00 20.00 6.00 6.00 20.00 20.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 4.00 250.00 250.00 6.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 20.00 250.00 250.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 20.00 4.00 250.00 250.00 4.00 6.00 250.00 250.00 20.00 250.00
  Obj. číslo Názov Kusov v balení Dostupnosť    
9.104 926 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 04 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 932 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 07 5 x 20 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 915 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 02 5 x 4 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 925 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 03 5 x 4 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 921 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 03 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 914 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 01 5 x 6 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 917 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 02 1 x 20 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 910 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 01 5 x 4 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 930 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 07 1 x 4 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 927 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 04 5 x 20 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 913 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 01 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 947 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 05 5 x 20 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 934 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 07 5 x 6 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 949 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 05 5 x 6 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 952 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 06 5 x 20 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 922 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 03 5 x 20 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 954 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 06 1 x 6 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 939 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 09 5 x 6 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 945 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 05 5 x 4 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 936 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 09 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 923 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 03 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 951 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 06 1 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 940 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 08 5 x 4 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 941 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 08 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 931 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 07 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 919 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 02 5 x 6 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 918 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 02 1 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 928 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 04 1 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 953 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 06 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 942 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 08 5 x 20 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 943 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 08 1 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 911 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 01 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 929 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 04 5 x 6 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 924 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 03 1 x 6 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 950 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 06 5 x 4 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 937 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 09 5 x 20 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 920 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 03 1 x 4 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 938 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 09 1 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 916 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 02 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 935 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 09 5 x 4 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 944 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 08 5 x 6 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 933 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 07 1 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 946 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 05 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 912 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 01 5 x 20 Na vyžiadanie
9.104 948 Hazard labels (GHS) | Type : GHS 05 2 x 250 Na vyžiadanie