High-performance Greenough Stereo Microscope with LED, SMZ-171 Serie


Versatile Stereo microscope for a wide range of biological and material science applications.

  • Improved image contrast due to multi-layer lens coating
  • ESD compatible set ups available
  • Various accessories available
  • Observation Tube Binocular - / Phototube 45°, 360° rotating, F.N. 23
  • Fixed optical split 50:50
  • Widefield adjustable eyepieces WF10X/23 mm, incl. eyecups
  • 6.7:1 Zoom ratio, WD=110 mm
  • Objective magnification range: 0.75X-5X
  • SMZ-171 Pole type stand with large working area and head holder
  • Coarse focusing system with tension adjustment
  • 3W incident and transmitted LED illumination with independent intensity controls
  • Transmitted light with tilting reflector (oblique illumination)
  • Option to adapt flexible light guide
  • Main supply 100 V-240 V (CE)
  • Black/White and frosted glass stage plates, and dust cover