Pre-treatment cartridges Progard® for water purification systems

Výrobca: Millipore GmbH

The pre-treatment cartridges contain polyphosphates, activated carbon and depth filter for water pre-treatment and serve to protect reverse osmosis membrane against organic fouling, chlorine oxidation, and mineral scaling.

Obj. číslo 6.240 434 6.224 448 7.970 086 6.253 376
Article Packing Unit 1 1 1 1
For Direct-Q®, Elix®, RiOs™ 5/8/16 Elix® 20/35/70/100, RiOs™ 30/50/100/150/200 Milli-Q® Direct Elix® Reference/Essential/Advantage, RiOs™ Essential, AFS®, Milli-Q® Integral
Sales Packing Unit 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
  Obj. číslo Názov Kusov v balení Dostupnosť    
6.240 434 Pre-treatment cartridges Progard® for water purification systems | Type : Progard® S2 1 x 1 Na vyžiadanie
6.224 448 Pre-treatment cartridges Progard® for water purification systems | Type : Progard® TL1-C 1 x 1 Na vyžiadanie
7.970 086 Pre-treatment cartridges Progard® for water purification systems | Type : Progard® T3 1 x 1 Na vyžiadanie
6.253 376 Pre-treatment cartridges Progard® for water purification systems | Type : Progard® TS2 1 x 1 skladom