MERCKOQUANT® test strips

Výrobca: Merck KGaA

Other tests on request.

Obj. číslo 9.129 907 9.129 902 6.203 450 9.129 909 9.129 938 9.129 934 9.129 933 9.129 913 9.129 912 9.129 924 9.129 918 9.129 911 9.129 937 9.129 921 9.129 901 9.129 928 9.129 923 9.129 916 9.129 942 9.129 905 9.129 931 9.129 927 6.285 108 9.129 932 9.129 943 9.129 919 9.129 904 9.129 914 9.129 926
Article Packing Unit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
For Calcium Ammonia Peroxide Chromate Sulphite Peroxide Nitrite Iron Cyanide Potassium Total hardness Cobalt Sulphate Total hardness Aluminium Nickel Copper Total hardness Tin Lead Nitrate Molybdenum Nitrite Nitrite Peracetic acid Total hardness Ascorbic acid Formaldehyde Manganese
Measuring range 10 to 100 mg/l Ca2+ 10 to 400 mg/l NH4+ 1 to 100 mg/l H2O2 3 to 100 mg/l CrO42- 10 to 400 mg/l SO32- 0.5 to 25 mg/l H2O2 0.1 to 3 g/l NO2- 3 to 500 mg/l Fe2+/3+ 1 to 30 mg/l CN- 250 to 1500 mg/l K 3 to 21 °dH 10 to 1000 mg/l Co2+ 200 to 1600 mg/l SO42- 4 to 21 °dH 10 to 250 mg/l Al3+ 10 to 500 mg/l Ni2+ 10 to 300 mg/l Cu2+ 5 to 25 °dH 10 to 200 mg/l Sn2+ 20 to 500 mg/l Pb 10 to 500 mg/l NO3-, 5 to 250 mg/l Mo6+ 0.5 to 10 mg/l NO2- 2 to 80 mg/l NO2- 5 to 50 mg/l 3 to 21°dH 50 to 2000 mg/l 10 to 100 mg/l HCHO 2 to 100 mg/l Mn
Sales Packing Unit 60.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 5000.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 1000.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
  Obj. číslo Názov Kusov v balení Dostupnosť    
9.129 907 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Calcium 1 x 60 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 902 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Ammonia 1 x 100 Skladom do 6 dní
6.203 450 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Peroxide 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 909 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Chromate 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 938 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Sulphite 1 x 100 skladom
9.129 934 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Peroxide 1 x 100 skladom
9.129 933 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Nitrite 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 913 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Iron 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 912 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Cyanide 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 924 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Potassium 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 918 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Total hardness 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 911 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Cobalt 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 937 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Sulphate 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 921 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Total hardness 1 x 5000 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 901 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Aluminium 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 928 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Nickel 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 923 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Copper 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 916 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Total hardness 1 x 100 Skladom do 4 dní
9.129 942 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Tin 1 x 50 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 905 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Lead 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 931 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Nitrate 1 x 100 Skladom do 15 dní
9.129 927 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Molybdenum 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
6.285 108 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Nitrite 1 x 75 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 932 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Nitrite 1 x 100 skladom
9.129 943 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Peracetic acid 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 919 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Total hardness 1 x 1000 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 904 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Ascorbic acid 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 914 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Formaldehyde 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.129 926 MERCKOQUANT® test strips | For : Manganese 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie