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General laboratory consumables
Occupational safety, Security
Analytical measurement and testing
Stirring, Shaking, Mixing
Sample preparation
Distillation, separation, filtration
Heating and cooling technology
Liquid Handling
Vacuum technology, Drying, Dry storage
Optical instruments and Microscopes
Cleaning and sterilisation
Environmental-, soil-, water-, food analysis
Sample preparation
Trace analysis
Sample analysis
Elemental analysis
Oil Testing
Special distillation
Milk analysis
Water purification
Life Sciences
Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
Evoqua Water Technologies GmbH
Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. KG
Merck KGaA
NORMAX - Fabrica de Vidros
Reagecon Diagnostics Ltd.
Sarstedt AG & Co. KG
The Tintometer Limited
Thermo Elect.LED GmbH (Eutech)
Tintometer GmbH
Umweltanalytik Holbach GmbH
Zobraziť viac (13)
Zobraziť menej (5)
Weight g
Measuring range
<200 to >1600 mg/l SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>
≥2 BU
0 - 0.5 - 2 - 5 - 10 - 25 mg/l
0 - 0.5 mg/l Mn
0 - 0.50 mg/l Al3+
0 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 20 mg/l
0 - 10 - 25 - 50 - 100 - 200 - 400 mg/l NH4+
0 - 10 - 25 - 50 - 100 mg/l
0 - 10 - 25 - 50 - 250 - 500 mg/l
0 - 100 - 200 - 400 - 600 - 800 - 1000 mg/l
0 - 100 - 250 - 500 - 1000 - 2000 mg /dl
0 - 2 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 40 - 80 mg/l
0 - 20 mg/l CTAB
0 - 25 - 50 - 100 - 250 - 500 - 1000 mg/l
0 - 3 - 10 - 25 - 50 - 100 - 250 - 500 mg/l
0 - 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 30 °d
0 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 50 mg/l
0 - 50 - 100 - 250 - 500 - 1000 mg/l
0 - 500 - 1000 - 1500 - 2000 mg/l
0 ... 1000 mg/L O2
0 ... 150 mg/l O2
0 to 0.40mg / l NH4
0 to 0.5 mg / l S
0 to 0.5mg / l
0 to 0.5mg/l As3+/5+
0 to 1.0 mg / l
0 to 1.0 mg / l N
0 to 10 mg/l N
0 to 100 mg / l PO4
0 to 1000 mg/l H2O2
0 to 1000mg/l Benzalkonium chloride
0 to 1000mg/l Co2+
0 to 1000mg/l Fe2+/3+
0 to 1000mg/l Ni2+
0 to 1000mg/l SO32-
0 to 100mg/l Ca2+
0 to 100mg/l Cl2
0 to 100mg/l CrO42-
0 to 100mg/l Fe2+/3+
0 to 100mg/l H2O2
0 to 100mg/l PO43-
0 to 100mg/l Zn2+
0 to 10mg/l Cl2
0 to 1500mg/l K+
0 to 2.5 %
0 to 20 °d
0 to 20 mg/l
0 to 2000 mg/l Glucose
0 to 2000 mg/l PAA
0 to 2000mg/l Vitamin C
0 to 200mg/l HCHO
0 to 200mmol/l KOH
0 to 25 mg/l KMPS
0 to 250mg/l Mo6+
0 to 25mg/l H2O2
0 to 3.0mg/l As3+/5+
0 to 30 mg Pt / l
0 to 3000mg/l Cl-
0 to 3000mg/l NO2-
0 to 300mg/l Cu2+
0 to 30mg/l CN-
0 to 4.0 mg / l
0 to 4.0 mg/l PO4
0 to 40 mg / l PO4
0 to 400mg/l EDTA
0 to 400mg/l NH4+
0 to 50 mg/l PAA
0 to 500 mg/l NO3-
0 to 500 mg/l PAA
0 to 5000 mg/l Cl0.02 to 0.3& 0.2 to 4 mg/l Cl20 to 1.6 mg/l F0 to 500 mg/l CaCO310 to 90 mg Pt/l6 to 8.4 pH
0 to 500mg/l Al3+
0 to 500mg/l NO3-,1 to 80mg/l NO2-
0 to 500mg/l Sn2+
0 to 60 mg/l CaCO3
0 to 800 mg/l Fructose/Glucose
0 to 80mg/l NO2-
0 to 80mg/l NO2-,pH 6.0 to 9.6
0,002 - 0,04 mg/l CN-
0,002 ... 1,50 mg/l N₂H₄
0,005 - 0,1 mg/l NO2-
0,01 - 0,2 mg/l CN-
0,01 - 0,2 mg/l Fe
0,01 - 0,25 mg/l P
0,01 - 0,3 mg/l DEHA
0,01 - 0,3 mg/l Si
0,010…0,700 mg/L
0,015 ... 0,5 mg/kg Diacetyl
0,02 - 0,5 mg/l NH4++
0,02 - 0,5 mg/l NO2-
0,02 - 0,6 mg/l Cl2
0,02 -0,5 mg/l Cr(VI)
0,03 - 0,5 mg/l Mn2+
0,04 - 0,3 °d
0,04 - 0,5 mg/l Cu2+
0,04 - 1 mg/l Fe
0,05 - 1 mg/l NO2-
0,05 - 1 mg/l P
0,05 - 2 °d / 0,01 - 0,36 mmol/l Ca2+
0,1 - 0,8 mg/l S2-
0,1 - 1,5 mg/l Cu2+
0,1 - 1,5 mg/l Mn2+
0,1 - 1,5 mg/l Ni2+
0,1 - 2 mg/l Cl2
0,1 - 2 mg/l Cl2/ pH 6,9 - 8,2
0,1 - 2,0 mg/l Cl2
0,10 - 0,5 mg/l Al3+
0,2 - 10 mg/l O2
0,2 - 3 mg/l NH4+
0,2 - 3 mg/l SiO2
0,2 - 3,8 mg/l
0,2 - 5 mg/l PO4-P
0,2 - 7 mmol/l H+
0,2 - 7 mmol/l OH-
0,25 - 2 mg/l Cl2
0,5 - 15 mg/l NH4+
0,5 - 20 °d / 0,1 - 3,6 mmol/l Ca2+
0,5 - 20 °d / 0,1 3,6 mmol/l Ca2+
0,5 - 20 °d / 0,2 - 7 mmol/l H+
0,5 - 3 mg/l Zn2+
0…1500 mg/L O2
0…40 mg/L Mo
0.002 - 0.04 mg/l CN-
0.002 ... 0.275 mg/L LAS
0.002 to 0.05 mg / l N
0.002…0.300 mg/L NO2-N
0.005 - 0.1 mg/l
0.008 ... 0.800 mg/L Al
0.01 - 0.2 mg/l CN-
0.01 - 0.2 mg/l Fe
0.01 - 0.25 mg/l P
0.01 - 0.3 mg/l DEHA
0.01 - 0.3 mg/l Si
0.01 ... 0.50 mg/L NO3-N
0.01 ... 0.6 mg/L CN
0.01 to 0.10 mg / l
0.01 to 0.10mg / l
0.015 ... 0.6 mg/L NO2-N
0.015 ... 2.0 mg/L NH4-N
0.02 - 0.5 mg/l Cr(VI)
0.02 - 0.5 mg/l NH4+
0.02 - 0.5 mg/l NO2-
0.02 - 0.6 mg/l Cl2
0.02 ... 0.3 mg/L Cd
0.02 ... 0.5 mg/L Al
0.02 ... 0.6 °dH
0.02 to 0.20mg / l
0.02 to 0.2mg / l
0.02 to 0.3 mg/l
0.02 to 0.3mg / l
0.02 to 0.3mg/l Cl2
0.02 to 0.5 mg/l
0.02…2.00 mg/l
0.02…2.50 mg/L PO4
0.02…3.00 mg/L Fe
0.02…5.00 mg/l
0.03 ... 0.35 mg/L CN-
0.03 ... 1.0 mg/L Cr
0.04 - 0.5 mg/l Cu2+
0.04 - 1 mg/l Fe
0.04 to 0.57 mg/l
0.05 - 0.4 mg/l N2H4
0.05 - 1 mg/l P
0.05 - 2 °d / 0.01 - 0.36 mmol/l Ca2+
0.05 ... 1.5 mg/L PO4-P
0.05 ... 2.0 mg/L
0.05 ... 2.0 mg/L Cl2
0.05 ... 2.5 mg/L B
0.05 to 0.50 mg/l N
0.05 to 0.50mg / L
0.05 to 1.0mg / l
0.06…5.00 mg/L PO4
0.1 - 0.8 mg/l S2-
0.1 - 1.5 mg/l Cu2+
0.1 - 1.5 mg/l Mn2+
0.1 - 1.5 mg/l Ni2+
0.1 - 2 mg/l Cl2
0.1 - 2 mg/l Cl2 / pH 6.9 - 8.2
0.1 - 5 mg/l MBAS
0.1 ... 2.0 mg/L S2-
0.1 ... 2.5 mg/L F
0.1 ... 5.0 mg/L SO3
0.1 ... 6.0 mg/L Ni
0.1 to 1 mg/l Cl26.8 to 8.4 pH
0.1 to 1.0 mg / L
0.1 to 1.0 mg/l
0.1 to 1.0 mg/l N
0.1 to 1.0mg / l
0.1 to 1.0mg/l Cl2
0.1 to 2.0mg / l
0.1 to 3 g/l NO2-
0.1 to 4 mg/l Cl25.2 to 8.4 pH
0.1-3 mg/l / 6.8-8.2
0.1…10.0 mg/L Cl2
0.2 - 10 mg/l O2
0.2 - 10 ppm
0.2 - 3 mg/l NH4+
0.2 - 3 mg/l SiO2
0.2 - 3.8 mg/l
0.2 - 5 mg/l PO4-P
0.2 - 7 mmol/l OH-
0.2 - 7.2 mmol/l H+
0.2 ... 6.0 mg/L
0.2 ... 6.0 mg/L Zn
0.2 to 0.8 mg/l
0.2 to 2.0mg / l
0.2 to 4 mg/l Cl26.8 to 8.4 pH
0.2 to 4.0mg / l
0.2 to 4.0mg/l Cl2
0.23 ... 13.5 mg/L NO3-N
0.3…20.0 mg/L C
0.3…30 mg/L NO3-N
0.4 -10 ppm
0.5 - 15 mg/l NH4+
0.5 - 15 ppm
0.5 - 20 °d / 0.1 - 3.6 mmol/l Ca2+
0.5 - 20 °d / 0.2 - 7.2 mmol/l H+
0.5 ... 10 mg/L H2CO
0.5 ... 5.0 mg/L NH4-N0.65 ... 6.4 mg/L NH4
0.5 ... 5.0 mg/L PO4-P
0.5 ... 50 mg/L Mg
0.5 ... 8.0 mmol/L
0.5 to 10 mg/l NO2-
0.5 to 25 mg/l H2O2
0.5 to 6.0mg / l
1 - 10 mg/l O2 / pH 6.9 - 8.2
1 - 120 mg/l NO3-
1 - 25 ppm
1 - 60 mg/l Cl-
1 -10 mg/l O2
1 ... 16 mg/L TNb
1 ... 20 °dH
1 ... 70 mg/L / 70…1000 mg/L Cl
1 drop = 1 °d
1 drop = 1 mg/l SO32-
1 drop = 5 mg/l Ca2+
1 to 10 mg / l
1 to 100 mg/l H2O2
1 to 10mg / l
1 to 10µg NH3
1 to 30 mg/l CN-
1 to 4mg / l
1…20 mg/L und 10…200 mg/L
1.0 ... 12.0 mg/L NH4-N
1.6 ... 30.0 mg/L PO4-P
10 - 100 mg/l Cya
10 - 150 ppm
10 - 300 ppm
10 - 50 - 100 - 250 - 500 mg/l
10 to 100 mg/l Ca2+
10 to 100 mg/l HCHO
10 to 100 µg
10 to 1000 mg/l Co2+
10 to 100mg / l PO4
10 to 200 mg/l Sn2+
10 to 250 mg/l Al3+
10 to 26µg NH3
10 to 300 mg/l Cu2+
10 to 400 mg/l NH4+
10 to 400 mg/l SO32-
10 to 500 mg/l Ni2+
10 to 500 mg/l NO3-,
10 to 90 mg Pt / l
10-100 mg/l / 5-50 mg/l /6.8-8.2
100 ... 2000 mg/L O2
100 ... 600 mg/L O2
1000 - 25000 ppm
1000 ... 10000 mg/L O2
15 ... 150 mg/L O2
150 ... 1000 mg/L O2
150 ... 900 mg/L SO4
2 - 100 mg/l SO32-
2 - 15 mg/l K+
2 - 20 mg/l PO43-
2 - 50 mg/l NO3-
2 - 50 ppm
2 ... 150 mg/L NO2
2 ... 250 mg/L NO2
2 to 10 mg/l
2 to 100 mg/l Mn
2 to 10mg / l
2 to 20 mg/l
2 to 20mg / l N
2 to 5mg / l
2 to 80 mg/l NO2-
2... 100 mg/L Ba
2... 70 mg/L SO4
2.0 ... 20.0 mg/L PO4-P
2.0 ... 47.0 mg/L NH4-N
2.5 to 80 mg/l
20 - 500 ppm
20 ... 100 mg/L TNb
20 to 500 mg/l Pb
200 to 1600 mg/l SO42-
25 - 200 mg/l SO42-
250 to 1500 mg/l K
28 to 60µg NH3
3 ... 30 mg/L C
3 to 100 mg/l CrO42-
3 to 21 °dH
3 to 21°dH
3 to 500 mg/l Fe2+/3+
30 ... 300 mg/L C
30 to 70 mg Pt / l
300 ... 3000 mg/L C
4 to 21 °dH
40 ... 150 mg/L SO4
47.0 ... 130.0 mg/L NH4-N
5 - 100 ppm
5 - 150 ppm
5 - 500 mg/l Cl-
5 ... 150 mg/L
5 ... 35 mg/L NO3-N
5 ... 40 mg/L TNb
5 ... 60 g/L O2
5 ... 60 mg/L O2
5 to 100mg/l NO3-
5 to 25 °dH
5 to 250 mg / l
5 to 250 mg/l Mo6+
5 to 50 mg / l
5 to 50 mg/l
50 ... 2500 mg/L
50 to 2000 mg/l
50 to 500 mg/l Pt
55 ... 550 mg/L CO2
6 ... 60 mg/L
60 to 100µg NH3
pH 4 - 10
pH 4 - 9
pH 4,0 - 9,0
pH 5,0 - 9,0
pH 6 - 8,2
TOC: 2 ... 65 mg/L CTC: 12 ... 75 mg/L CTIC: 10 ... 73 mg/L C
Total hardness 0 to 25°d, carbonat hardness 0 to 20°d, pH 6,4 to 8,4
Triazole Reagent1 ... 16 mg/L or 1... 20 mg/L
up to 3.5 mg/L Cl2
up to 5.0 mg/L PO4
Zobraziť viac (340)
Zobraziť menej (5)
Volume ml
Package contents
1 booklet of 100 strips
1 box of 200 strips
1 reel of 5 m
Bag of 1000 strips*
Bag of 5000 strips
Box of 100 strips
Box of 50 strips
Pack of 50 sachets**
Refill pack of 3 reels
Zobraziť viac (9)
Zobraziť menej (5)
100 tests
1000 tests
250 tests
450 tests
Acid-base, acidity, alkalinity, carbon dioxide and volatile acid titrations
Active oxygen
Alkalinity titrations
Ammonium 400
Arsenic 10*
Arsenic 50*
Arsenic Sensitive*
Ascorbic acid
Carbonate hardness
Carbonate Hardness 30
CO2 absorption for BOD determinations
Concentration of cooling lubricants
Determination of aluminium and manganese
Determination of aluminium by the Eriochrom-Cyanine method
Determination of aluminium, aluminon method
Determination of aluminium, Eriochrome cyanine R method
Determination of anionic surfactants, crystal violet method
Determination of barium using the turbidity method
Determination of benzotriazole (1 ... 16 mg/L) or tolyltriazole (1... 20 mg/L)
Determination of free chlorine
Determination of chelated copper by bicinchoninate method
Determination of chlorine, chromium and sulphite
Determination of chromate and chlorine by titration
Determination of chromium VI and total
Determination of iron by the 1,10 phenantroline method
Determination of iron by the FerroVer method
Determination of molybdenum
Determination of nitrate by the cadmium reduction method
Determination of nitrate nitrogen by the cadmium reduction method
Determination of nitrite nitrogen
Determination of ortho-phosphate
Determination of phosphate
Determination of silica, Silicomolybdate method
Determination of sulfate by the turbidity method
Determination of total chlorine, hydrogen peroxide and sulphite
Determination of total chlorine, chromium, glutaraledhyd and sulfite
Fluoride 100
Glucose 2000
Glutaraldehyde CE***
Hazen / APHA
Hydrogen peroxide
ChlorideChlorineFluoridetot. hardnessHazenpH value
Chlorine 1000
Chlorine 20
Chlorine dioxide
Chlorine Sensitive CE***
ChlorinepH value
Indicator for argentometric chloride titration
Indicator for total hardness titrations
Multistick for aquarists
Nitrate 100
Nitrate 500
Nitrate Set
Nitrite 3000
Nitrite 80
Nitrite determination
Nitrite determination by the ferric sulfate method
Peracetic acid
Peracetic Acid 2000
Peracetic acid 2000 CE***
Peracetic Acid 50
Peracetic acid 50 CE***
Peracetic acid 500 CE***
Peroxide 100 CE***
Peroxide 1000
Peroxide 25
Phosphate 100
Preparation of BOD5 dilution water
QAC 25-1000(Benzalkonium chloride)
Quaternary ammonium compounds
Sulphite 500
Total hardness
Total Iron 100
Total Iron 1000
Total phosphate digestion
Total sugar
Visual Chlorine Test Kits
Zobraziť viac (129)
Zobraziť menej (5)
Weight kg
Capacity ml
Dimensions (W x D x H) mm
1310 x 600 x 800
710 x 530 x 570
Elemental analysis
1 - 18 z celkom 42 produktov
42 produktov
Zoradiť podľa:
Od najnovších
Reagent kits NANOCOLOR®
1 variant, z toho 0 skladom
Test kits, VISOCOLOR®
Gas sampling device, type GS 312
1 variant, z toho 0 skladom
Quick-connect couplers
2 varianty, z toho 0 skladom
Microbiological Air Sampling System MBASS30
Cuvette Tests, LCK
56 variantov, z toho 1 skladom
Test kits, VISOCOLOR®ECO for water analysis
32 variantov, z toho 6 skladom
Powder pillow
42 variantov, z toho 0 skladom
Water hardness test strips, AQUADUR®
10 variantov, z toho 5 skladom
Rapid Tests, Pooltester
2 varianty, z toho 0 skladom
1 variant, z toho 0 skladom
Reagent Solutions for Colorimeters Eutech™ C401, C301, C201, C105, C104, C103, C102 and C101
3 varianty, z toho 0 skladom
Comparator system 2000, water test discs and reagent tablets
51 variantov, z toho 0 skladom
Test Kits for Boiler-, Cooling- and Industrial Process Water
35 variantov, z toho 6 skladom
Colour Standards Gardner
18 variantov, z toho 0 skladom
Color Standards Platinum-Cobalt (Hazen)
8 variantov, z toho 0 skladom
Lightning cabinets
2 varianty, z toho 0 skladom
Lovibond® water testing equipment
7 variantov, z toho 0 skladom
Zobraziť ďalších 18 produktov