QUANTOFIX® test strips

Výrobca: Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. KG

For semi-quantitative determinations.

Obj. číslo 9.130 402 9.130 436 9.130 418 9.130 435 9.130 407 9.130 430 9.130 434 9.130 421 6.227 796 6.268 343 9.130 424 6.267 593 9.130 413 9.130 415 6.210 047 9.130 410 9.130 425 9.130 401 9.130 417 9.130 408 9.130 440 9.130 420 9.130 403 9.130 427 9.130 406 9.130 419 9.130 439 9.130 422 9.130 416 9.130 433 9.130 411 9.130 423 9.130 437 9.130 426 9.130 409 9.130 438 9.130 428 9.130 432 6.238 574 6.243 754 6.280 632 4.005 102 6.282 632 9.130 431 9.130 414 9.130 412 9.130 429
Article Packing Unit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
For Ascorbic acid Peracetic acid 500 CE*** Carbonate hardness Multistick for aquarists Copper Zinc* Quaternary ammonium compounds Cyanide* Nitrite/pH Nitrate 100 Molybdate* Glucose Tin Arsenic 50* Nitrate Set Nitrite Nitrite 3000 Aluminium* Calcium** Nickel Arsenic Sensitive* Chloride Chromate* Peroxide 25 Cobalt Chlorine* Total Iron 100 Formaldehyde* Arsenic 10* Concentration of cooling lubricants Peroxide 100 CE*** Potassium* Peracetic acid 2000 CE*** Peroxide 1000 Nitrate/Nitrite Glutaraldehyde CE*** Phosphate* EDTA Peracetic acid 50 CE*** Total Iron 1000 Active oxygen Chlorine Sensitive CE*** Total sugar Multistick for aquarists Ammonia* Sulphite Sulphate
Measuring range 0 to 2000mg/l Vitamin C 0 to 500 mg/l PAA 0 to 20 °d Total hardness 0 to 25°d, carbonat hardness 0 to 20°d, pH 6,4 to 8,4 0 to 300mg/l Cu2+ 0 to 100mg/l Zn2+ 0 to 1000mg/l Benzalkonium chloride 0 to 30mg/l CN- 0 to 80mg/l NO2-,
pH 6.0 to 9.6
5 to 100mg/l NO3- 0 to 250mg/l Mo6+ 0 to 2000 mg/l Glucose 0 to 500mg/l Sn2+ 0 to 3.0mg/l As3+/5+ 0 to 500 mg/l NO3- 0 to 80mg/l NO2- 0 to 3000mg/l NO2- 0 to 500mg/l Al3+ 0 to 100mg/l Ca2+ 0 to 1000mg/l Ni2+ 0 to 0.5mg/l As3+/5+ 0 to 3000mg/l Cl- 0 to 100mg/l CrO42- 0 to 25mg/l H2O2 0 to 1000mg/l Co2+ 0 to 100mg/l Cl2 0 to 100mg/l Fe2+/3+ 0 to 200mg/l HCHO 0 to 0.5mg/l As3+/5+ 0 to 200mmol/l KOH 0 to 100mg/l H2O2 0 to 1500mg/l K+ 0 to 2000 mg/l PAA 0 to 1000 mg/l H2O2 0 to 500mg/l NO3-,
1 to 80mg/l NO2-
0 to 2.5 % 0 to 100mg/l PO43- 0 to 400mg/l EDTA 0 to 50 mg/l PAA 0 to 1000mg/l Fe2+/3+ 0 to 25 mg/l KMPS 0 to 10mg/l Cl2 0 to 800 mg/l Fructose/Glucose Total hardness 0 to 25°d, carbonat hardness 0 to 20°d, pH 6,4 to 8,4 0 to 400mg/l NH4+ 0 to 1000mg/l SO32- <200 to >1600 mg/l SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>
Sales Packing Unit 100.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 60.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
  Obj. číslo Názov Kusov v balení Dostupnosť    
9.130 402 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Ascorbic acid 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 436 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Peracetic acid 500 CE*** 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 418 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Carbonate hardness 1 x 100 Skladom do 10 dní
9.130 435 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Multistick for aquarists 1 x 25 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 407 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Copper 1 x 100 Skladom do 9 dní
9.130 430 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Zinc* 1 x 100 Skladom do 12 dní
9.130 434 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Quaternary ammonium compounds 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 421 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Cyanide* 1 x 100 Skladom do 11 dní
6.227 796 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Nitrite/pH 1 x 100 Skladom do 8 dní
6.268 343 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Nitrate 100 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 424 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Molybdate* 1 x 100 Skladom do 9 dní
6.267 593 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Glucose 1 x 100 Skladom do 10 dní
9.130 413 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Tin 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 415 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Arsenic 50* 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
6.210 047 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Nitrate Set 1 x 50 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 410 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Nitrite 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 425 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Nitrite 3000 1 x 100 Skladom do 4 dní
9.130 401 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Aluminium* 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 417 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Calcium** 1 x 60 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 408 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Nickel 1 x 100 Skladom do 8 dní
9.130 440 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Arsenic Sensitive* 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 420 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Chloride 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 403 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Chromate* 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 427 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Peroxide 25 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 406 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Cobalt 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 419 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Chlorine* 1 x 100 Skladom do 9 dní
9.130 439 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Total Iron 100 1 x 100 Skladom do 9 dní
9.130 422 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Formaldehyde* 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 416 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Arsenic 10* 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 433 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Concentration of cooling lubricants 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 411 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Peroxide 100 CE*** 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 423 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Potassium* 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 437 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Peracetic acid 2000 CE*** 1 x 100 Skladom do 8 dní
9.130 426 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Peroxide 1000 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 409 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Nitrate/Nitrite 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 438 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Glutaraldehyde CE*** 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 428 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Phosphate* 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 432 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : EDTA 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
6.238 574 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Peracetic acid 50 CE*** 1 x 100 skladom
6.243 754 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Total Iron 1000 1 x 100 skladom
6.280 632 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Active oxygen 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
4.005 102 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Chlorine Sensitive CE*** 1 x 100 skladom
6.282 632 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Total sugar 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 431 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Multistick for aquarists 1 x 100 Na vyžiadanie
9.130 414 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Ammonia* 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 412 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Sulphite 1 x 100 skladom
9.130 429 QUANTOFIX® test strips | For : Sulphate 1 x 100 Skladom do 15 dní